Guernica Books 1979-2019
Guernica's historical titles, which are no longer in print, are marked in blue.
Instants (Marco Fraticelli)
Queror (Antonio D’Alfonso)
Suns of Darkness (Filippo Salvatore)
Animots (Richard Bouchoux)
Conceptions (Jane Dick)
A Taste of Earth, A Taste of Flame (Daniel Sloate)
To Sleep, to Love (Ken Norris)
Rush of Wings (Axel Soestmeyer)
A Queen Is Holding a Mummified Cat (Mary Melfi)
Fables for Isolated Men (Barry Dempster)
Dead Shadows (Daniel Sloate)
Remembering History (Rhea Tregebov)
Black Tongue (Antonio D’Alfonso)
Concrete City (Claude Beausoleil)
A Bride in Three Acts (Mary Melfi)
Night Coach (Marco Fraticelli)
Whirlwinds (Ken Norris)
The Alchemy of the Body and Other Poems (Juan Garcia)
Broke City (Jacques Renaud)
First Secrets and Other Poems (Éloi De Grandmont)
Selected Poems (Fred Cogswell)
Irpinia (Fulvio Caccia)
Quêtes (Fulvio Caccia et Antonio D’Alfonso)
Heart’s Garden (LeRoy Gorman)
The Death of André Breton (Jean Yves Collette)
Embers and Earth: Selected Poems (Gaston Miron)
Voiceless People (Marco Micone)
Addolorata (F) (Marco Micone)
Jeu de Babel (François Flahaut)
David and the Daydreams (Barry Dempster)
Moving Landscape (Pasquale Verdicchio)
Contrasts (edited by Joseph Pivato)
Other Selves (C.D. Minni)
Durante la partenza (Lamberto Tassinari)
The Clarity of Voices (Philippe Haeck)
La Fresque de Mussolini (Filippo Salvatore)
Sous le signe du Phénix (Fulvio Caccia)
Les Traquenards de la grammaire anglaise (Daniel Sloate et Denis G. Gauvin)
Une plongée dans mon essentiel (Claude Péloquin)
Voix off (Antonio D’Alfonso)
The Passions of Mr. Desire (André Roy)
Loyalty to the Hunt (Dorina Michelutti)
Within the Mystery (Jacques Brault)
The Other Shore (Antonio D’Alfonso)
Lovhers (Nicole Brossard)
Passenger (Antonio Porta)
For Montreal (Jean Doré)
Talking It Out: The October Crisis from Inside (Francis Simard)
Devour Me Too (Dacia Maraini)
The Courage of Poetry (Paul Chamberland)
Body of Night (Gilbert Langevin)
Antichi e Moderni in Italia nel Seicento (Filippo Salvatore)
French Poets of Today (Edited by Jean-Yves Reuzeau)
Inlandsis (Marie-Claire Corbeil)
Les métamorphoses d’Ishtar (Nadine Ltaif)
Autostrada per la luna (Silvano Zamaro)
Quartz and Mica (Yolande Villemaire)
Breccia (Pierre Joris)
Ibrido: Poesie 1949-1986 (Corrado Mastropasqua)
Report on the Second Half of the Twentieth Century (Ken Norris)
Two Plays: Voiceless People & Addolorata (Marco Micone)
Le Cinéma aujourd’hui (Michel Larouche)
La Promeneuse au jasmin (Roland Morisseau)
Ricordi (C.D. Minni, editor)
Arrangiarsi (Roberto Perin and Franc Sturino, editors)
Via Diaz (Romano Perticarini)
Formentera, followed by The Gardens of Suzhou (Bert Schierbeek)
Positions to Pray In (Barry Dempster)
After the Fireworks (Raymond Filip)
Conscience and Coercion (Antonio R. Gualtieri)
Silva rerum (Paol Keineg)
Les âges de l’amour (Dorothy Livesay)
Homeground (Caterina Edwards)
The Tough Romance (Pier Giorgio Di Cicco)
Les amours difficiles (Pier Giorgio Di Cicco)
Illuminations (Arthur Rimbaud)
Nomadic Trajectory (Pasquale Verdicchio)
Duo for Obstinate Voices (Maryse Pelletier)
Dog and Crow (Michael Springate)
The Sandwoman (Madeleine Ouellette-Michalska)
Despite My Growling Heart (Werner Lambersy)
Toni (Fiorella De Luca Calce)
Lead Blues (Anne-Marie Alonzo)
A Dive into My Essence (Claude Péloquin)
Selected Poems (Marie Uguay)
La Famille Gaetano (Frank Paci)
Comment dire (Marie-Claire Corbeil)
Politique urbaine à Montréal (Jean-Hugues Roy et Brendan Weston)
Under the Boardwalk in Quebec City (Pierre Beaudet)
Writers in Transition (C.D. Minni and Anna Foschi Ciampolini, editors)
Bittersweet Pieces (Gerrit Bussink, editor)
The Woman I Am (Dorothy Livesay)
Search for Meaning (Antonio R. Gualtieri)
Films d’Afrique (Michel Larouche)
Le Putain (Guy Verville)
Entre les fleuves (Nadine Ltaif)
Black Diva (Jean-Paul Daoust)
Croton Elegies (Antonio Barolini)
Patrick Straram ou le bison ravi (Jean Gaétan Séguin)
Gens du silence (Marco Micone)
Fabio (Camillo Carli)
Otherworldly Hamlet (John O’Meara)
The Life of Mozart (Stendhal)
The Tangible Word (France Théoret)
Infertility Rites (Mary Melfi)
Picture Theory (Nicole Brossard)
To Hyphenate or Not to Hyphenate (Anthony J. Tamburri)
Les images immobilisées (Nicole Gingras)
La fortune d’un nom: America (Amerigo Vespucci)
Amor, Amor (Christine Cormier)
Conceptions (Jane Dick)
The Wall of the Earth (Giorgio Caproni)
Song and Ballads (Federico Garcia Lorca)
Vanishing Villages (Clément Marchand)
Three by Three (Anne Dandurand, Claire Dé, Héléne Rioux)
Exterminated Angel (Gérald Godin)
For the Baptism of Our Fragments (Mario Luzi)
Melusine (Antonio Porta)
Nice People (Edited by Gerrit Bussink)
Panick Love (Antonio D’Alfonso)
The Way I Remember It (Antonino Mazza)
Just West of Now (Diane Raptosh)
Voyeur (Marco Fraticelli)
À la hauteur de Grand Central Station je me suis assis et j’ai pleuré (Elizabeth Smart)
Benedetta in Guysterland (Giose Rimanelli)
A Beach in Maine (Suzanne Jacob)
Poésies (Roland Morisseau)
Amazon Angel (Yolande Villemaire)
This Desert Now (Yves Préfontaine)
The Lion’s Mouth (Caterina Edwards)
Take Me to Coney Island (Miriam Packer)
Les Mers Détroublées (Claude Péloquin)
Counterpanes (Gaston Miron)
Italian Women and Other Tragedies (Gianna Patriarca)
The Voices We Carry (Mary Jo Bona, editor)
Mediating Culture (William Anselmi and Kosta Gouliamos, editors)
Aknos (Fulvio Caccia)
The World at Noon (Eugene Mirabelli)
Approaches to Absence (Pasquale Verdicchio)
Valentino and the Great Italians (Anthony Valerio)
Flowers in Magnetic Fields (Raymond Filip)
Only Prostitutes Marry in May (Dacia Maraini)
Two Women in a Birth (Daphne Marlatt and Betsy Warland)
Surface Tension (Marisa De Franceschi)
Search for Meaning (Antonio R. Gualtieri)
Echo (Joseph Pivato)
A God Hangs Upside Down (Joseph Maviglia)
Beyond the Ruins (Marco Micone)
The Inventor of the Horse (Achille Campanile)
Where I Come From (Maria Mazziotti Gillan)
Le Fascisme et les Italiens à Montréal (Filippo Salvatore)
Astoria (Robert Viscusi)
Just West of Now (Diane Raptosh)
The Edges of Light (Hélène Dorion)
Fabrizio’s Passion (Antonio D’Alfonso)
Sociopolitics (Paris Arnopoulos)
Fremde (Gino Chiellino)
Breaking the Mould (Penny Petrone)
The Countess Plays (Daniel Sloate)
Selected Poems (Émile Nelligan)
Vinnie and Me (Fiorella DeLuca Calce)
A Rage of Love (Alda Merini)
Star of Free Will (Maria Luiza Spaziani)
My Father, Marconi (Degna Marconi)
American Stories (Pierre-Yves Pépin)
Blood of My Blood (Richard Gambino)
Interviews to Literature (Jean Royer)
Women as Lovers (Theresa Carilli)
How to Sing to a Dago (Rachel Guido deVries)
In Italics (Antonio D’Alfonso)
Othello’s Sacrifice (John O’Meara)
Dagoes Read (Fred Gardaphé)
Sex Therapy (Mary Melfi)
Sarrasine (Paul Tana and Bruno Ramirez)
Social Pluralism and Literary History (Francesco Loriggio, editor)
Incontro: University and Mass Media (Umberto Eco)
The Loss of the Miraculous (Ben Morreale)
The Nativity Scene (Eduardo De Filippo)
The Films of Jacques Tati (Michel Chion)
Borderlines (Scott Rollins)
Daughters for Sale (Gianna Patriarca)
Stained Glass (Concetta Principe)
I Saw the Muses (Leonardo Sinisgalli)
Conversation with Johnny (Anthony Valerio)
Devils in Paradise (Pasquale Verdicchio)
The Power of Allegiances (Marino Tuzi)
Looking Through My Mother’s Eyes (Giovanna Del Negro)
Maude (Suzanne Jacob)
Impala (Carole David)
Piece Work (Miriam Packer)
A Bridge of Leaves (Diana Cavallo)
Accademia (Giose Rimanelli)
Cosmopolitics (Paris Arnopoulos)
Elusive Margins (William Anselmi and Kosta Gouliamos)
Vendetta (Richard Gambino)
Fascism and the Italians of Montreal (Filippo Salvatore)
Feast of the Dead (Anthony Fragola)
A House on the Piazza (Kenny Marotta)
The Sun and Other Things (Peter Carravetta)
Pellucid Waters (Claude Péloquin)
Stages (Mary Melfi)
Painting Moments: Art, AIDS and Nick Palazzo (Mary Melfi, editor)
The Anthology of Italian-Canadian Writing (Joseph Pivato, editor)
Natural Stories #1 (Edoardo Sanguineti)
Pillars of Lace (Marisa De Franceschi, editor)
Interviews with the Phoenix (Fulvio Caccia)
Duologue (Antonio D’Alfonso and Pasquale Verdicchio)
Philosophical Notes to My Friends (John Elias)
Abandoned Places (Tony Guerra)
Labor Songs (Diane Raptosh)
Viamerica/The Eyes (Giose Rimanelli and Achille Serrao)
WOP! (Salvatore J. LaGumina)
Lydia Trippe! (Daniel Sloate)
Stay with Me, Lella (Marisa Labozzetta)
The Embrace (Irene Guilford)
Interference (Concetta Principe)
Phrases and Passages of a Salutory Song (Mario Luzi)
Blue Ashes (Jean-Paul Daoust)
The Darkest Side of the Fascist Years (Angelo Principe)
The Great Dictators (Angela Baldassarre)
Tasting Fire (Elizabeth Colalillo-Katz)
Variable Star (Vittorio Sereni)
Ancient Memories, Modern Identities (Filippo Salvatore)
The Law of Return (Karen Shenfield)
Ciao, Baby (Gianna Patriarca)
Love Poems (Salvatore Di Giacomo)
Arms (Laura Boss)
Things My Mother Told Me (Maria Mazziotta Gillan)
Office Politics (Mary Melfi)
Mazilli’s Shoes (Darlene Madott)
The Savage Father (Pier Paolo Pasolini)
Made in Italy (Maria Ardizzi)
Embracing Serafina (Penny Petrone)
John Fante (Richard Collins)
Defending Her Son (John O’Meara)
Mobsters and Thugs (Olindo Romeo Ciocca)
Snow and Other Guises (John L. Falk)
The Angelina Project (Frank Canino)
Selected Poems (Fulvio Caccia)
Caterina Edwards (Joseph Pivato, editor)
Sharon Pollock (Anne F. Nothof, editor)
The Daughter of Christopher Columbus (Réjean Ducharme)
The North American Italian Renaissance (Ken Scambray)
The Woman I Am (Dorothy Livesay)
Winter in Montreal (Pietro Corsi)
Molisan Poems (Eugenio Cirese)
The Blue Whale (Stanislao Nievo)
Us Fools Believing (Miriam Packer)
Love Is Not Native to My Blood (Brian Day)
The House Is Past (Pasquale Verdicchio)
Women and Lovers (Maria Ardizzi)
The Great Light Cage (Robert Flanagan)
Island of the Nightingales (Caterina Edwards)
Doubly Suspect (Madeline Monette)
Dark Domaine (Eugenio de Andrade)
Eleventh Toe (Julie Roorda)
Red Promises (Halli Villegas)
Of Dissonance and Shadows (Daniel Sloate)
Aritha van Herk (Christl Verduyn, editor)
Keeping Afloat (M. Travis Lane)
A Father’s Revenge (Pan Bouyoucas)
Moncton Mantra (Gérald Leblanc)
Backscatter (Raymond Filip)
Louis Dudek (George Hildebrand, editor)
David Solway (Carmen Starnino, editor)
Lifeline (Ruth Panofsky)
Birdheart (Elana Wolff)
Alistair MacLeod (Irene Guilford, editor)
Family Matters (Marisa De Franceschi)
Gambler’s Daughter (Rachel Guido deVries)
Familial Circles (Theresa Carilli)
Sisters and Lovers (Mario Fratti)
The Holy Land (Alda Merini)
Isabelle’s Notebooks (Sylvie Chaput)
Selected Poems (Albino Pierro)
Republic Denied: The Loss of Canada (Fulvio Caccia)
The Bob Dylan Albums (Anthony Varesi)
In Green (Robin Blackburn)
Italian Women Poets (Biancamaria Frabotta, editor)
Blessed Harbours (John Miska, editor)
Italian Shoes (F.G. Paci)
A Woman of Lemnos (Maria Lampadaridou Pothou)
Voices in the Desert (Elizabeth Dahab, editor)
Al Purdy (Linda Rogers, editor)
Silt (Christl Verduyn)
bill bissett (Linda Rogers, editor)
Gail Scott (Lianne Moyes, editor)
Italian Women in Black Dresses (Maria Mazziotti Gillan)
The Bursting Test (Linda Rogers)
Love Letters (Dacia Maraini)
Reel Canadians (Angela Baldassarre)
Song for My Father (Miriam Packer)
Looking Through My Mother’s Eyes (Giovanna Del Negro)
The Hippopotamus (Luciano Erba)
A Destroyer of Compasses (Wade Bell)
F.G. Paci (Joseph Pivato, editor)
A Demon in My View (Len Gasparini)
On Order and Things (Stefan Psenak)
Origins (George Whipple)
Dreaming Our Space (Marguerite Andersen)
From Pioneer to Nomad (Leonardo Buonomo)
Son of Italy (Pascal D’Angelo)
A Mystery in Naples (Ermanno Rea)
Mask (Elana Wolff)
Borrowed Light (Merle Nudelman)
At the Moonbean Café (Malca Litovitz)
Naked (Luigi Pirandello)
No End to the World (Hélène Dorion)
Life in the Singular (Claude Beausoleil)
In the Silence Absence Makes (Halli Villegas)
Adjacencies (Domenic Beneventi, Licia Canton, Lianne Moyes, editors)
A New Geography of Time (Robert Viscusi)
Mystical One: George Harrison (Elliot J. Huntley)
Cities, Culture and Granite (Edmund P. Fowler)
Naked in the Sanctuary (Julie Roorda)
Surface Roots (Ken Scambray)
Azure (Brian Day)
The Moon Knows No Boundary (Mary Tilberg)
Kristjana Gunnars (Monique Tschofen, editor)
The Past at Our Feet (Lynn Diamond)
Guernica and Other Poems (Carlos de Oliveira)
Prague Memories (Tecia Werbowski)
College Street (Olindo Romeo Chiocca)
Bellecour (John Calabro)
What My Arms Can Carry (Gianna Patriarca)
A Call for Cultural Symbiosis (Jüri Talvet)
Red Hook (Richard Gambino)
Holding Out (John L. Falk)
Nicole Brossard (Louise H. Forsyth, editor)
Linda Rogers (Harold Rhenisch, editor)
Jane Urquhart (Laura Ferri, editor)
David Adams Richards (Tony Tremblay, editor)
Unholy Stories (Carole David)
The Broken World (Len Gasparini)
Dark Man (Roberto Pace)
Hard Edge (F.G. Paci)
Girls Closed In (France Théoret)
The Blueness of Light (Louise Dupré)
Kiss of the Beggar (Pierre L’Abbé)
The Unsaid Passing (B.W. Powe)
The Fertile Crescent (Karen Shenfeld)
Tattoo Joint (Jason Gileno)
Olivo Oliva (Philippe Poloni)
Happy Slaves (William Anselmi and Kosta Gouliamos)
The Southern Question (Antonio Gramsci)
Lifedream (Herménégilde Chiasson)
Joe Rosenblatt (Linda Rogers, editor)
Touch Earth (M. Travis Lane)
Newer Lies (Dan Jalowica)
Let Me Go! (Anne Claire Poirier)
You Speak to Me in Trees (Elana Wolff)
not just a personal ad (Vittoria repetto)
We, the Women (Merle Nudelman)
Courage Underground (Julie Roorda)
After the End (David Sobelman)
And Light Remains (Isabella Colalillo-Katz)
Mediterranean Men (Nick Mancuso)
The World Forgotten (Paul Bélanger)
Alden Nowlan (Gregory M. Cook, editor)
Don McKay (Brian Barlett, editor)
In the Claws of the Cat (Claude Forand)
Maria Mazziotti Gillan (Sean Thomas Dougherty, editor)
The Voices We Carry (Mary Jo Bona, editor)
At the Copa (Marisa Labozzetta)
The Night Will Be Insistent (Denise Desautels)
A Place of Light (Mary Bucci Bush)
Discourse and Community (Howard A. Doughty and Marino Tuzi, editors)
All That Lies Between Us (Maria Mazziotti Gillan)
Selected Poems (Laurence Hutchman)
Mary Melfi (William Anselmi, editor)
Mary di Michele (Joseph Pivato, editor)
The Canadian Duce (Bruno Ramirez)
The Mystery of Simonetta (Claudio Angelini)
Seventeen Trees (Marianne Micros)
Barry Callaghan (Priscila Uppal, editor)
The Undertaker’s Wife (Len Gasparini)
Subway Medusa (Clara Blackwood)
Lessons of Chaos and Disaster (Catherine Black)
First Day (Malca Litovitz)
The Last Woman (Claudine Bertrand)
The Graph of Roads (Gilles Cyr)
Manifesto for a New Theatre (Pier Paolo Pasolini)
Drew Hayden Taylor (Robert Nunn, editor)
I Is Another (Daniel Sloate)
Estonian Elegy (Jüri Talvet)
Twentieth Centuries (Jean-Marc Desgent)
The Place Where Your Soul Dwells (Carole David)
This Nothing’s Place (Pasquale Verdicchio)
The Plural of Some Things (Desi Di Nardo)
Margaret Atwood (Branko Gurjop, editor)
The Velocity of Escape (Jim Johnstone)
Obsessed with Language (Chantal Bouchard)
Parents of a Different Alphabet (Diane Raptosh)
Slow Dancing (Malca Litovitz and Elana Wolff)
Intimate Dialogues (Hélène Rioux)
The Brother Inside Me (Rachel Guido deVries)
Intimate Dialogues (Hélène Rioux)
Changing Shores (Nadine Ltaif)
Peace Tower (F.G. Paci)
If This Were Death (Paul Chanel Malenfant)
The Trestler House (Madeleine Ouellette-Michalska)
Italy Revisited (Mary Melfi)
Octopus Intelligence (Timothy Quinn)
Playing Naomi (Erika Rummel)
No Place Fit for a Child (Wade Bell)
Conjuring Jesus (Brian Day)
A Place in the World (Robert Flanagan)
Orvieto (William Anselmi)
Claiming Kin (Laura Marello)
Orioles in the Oranges (Melanie Janisse)
Exploding into Night (Sandy Pool)
Slender Human Weight (Sue Chenette)
Tell the Oak Tree to Grow Faster (Maria Luisa Spaziani)
Janice Kulyk Keefer (Deborah Saidero, editor)
Marimba Forever (Jim Christy)
The All-Nighter’s Radio (M. Travis Lane)
Floating Bodies (Julie Roorda)
Exhale, Exhale (Cristina Perissinotto)
Implicate Me (Elana Wolff)
Footsteps on the Ceiling (Baila Ellenbogen)
Flashlight (Laura Boss)
Secret Transfusions (Samuel Beckett)
Light and Time (Michael Mirolla)
The He We Knew (Merle Nudelman)
Time Slip (John Oughton)
My Father’s Hands Spoke in Yiddish (Karen Shenfeld)
Of Snow, Of Soul (Jüri Talvet)
The Young Maria Callas (Bruno Tosi, editor)
Bridge in the Rain (Bianca Lakoseljac)
Gary Geddes (Robert G. May, editor)
Jack Hodgins (Annika Hannan, editor)
What We Pass On (Maria Mazziotti Gillan)
Pier Giorgio Di Cicco (Joseph Pivato, editor)
Lucia’s Eyes & Other Stories (Marina Sonkina)
These Shadows Remain (B.W. Powe)
The Cure Is a Forest (Desi Di Nardo)
Paramita, Little Black (Suzanne Robertson)
Frank Lentricchia: Essays on His Works (Thomas DePietro, editor)
The Snows of Yesteryear (Len Gasparini)
Anne Hébert (Lee Skallerup, editor)
In The Writers’ Words: Conversations with Eight Canadian Poets (Laurence Hutchman, editor)
Culture and Difference (Howard A. Doughty & Marino Tuzi, editors)
Then Touch Me Here (Edvins Raups)
Angelina’s Lips (Giuseppe Conte, trans. Robert Buranello)
Bending the Continuum (Dane Swan)
A Choice of Uppercuts (Oliver Scharpf, trans. Marco Sonzogni)
The Man Who Delivers Clouds (José Acquelin, trans. Antonio D’Alfonso)
Stone Dream (Madeleine Gagnon)
Fosfeni (Andrea Zanzotto, Trans. Pasquale Verdicchio)
Three Stations (Antonella Anedda)
Confetti for Gino (Lorenzo Madalena)
Sweet Hope (Mary Bucci Bush)
A Hard Gold Thread (Catherine Black)
ATM Sex (Alan Lord)
Everything I Own (Raymond Beauchemin)
Smile! You’re Getting Old (Evelyne Wilwerth, trans. Christine Tipper)
On the Birth of Experimental Cinema (Enzo Nicola Terzano)
Richard Outram: Essays on His Works (Ingrid Ruthig, editor)
Joy Kogawa: Essays on Her works (Sheena Wilson, editor)
The Metamorphoses of Ishtar (Nadine Ltaif, trans. John Asfour)
Startled Night (Elana Wolff)
The Ecstatic Torture of Gratitude (Jill Battson)
Selected Poems (Roger Des Roches, Trans. Antonio D’Alfonso)
Amphetamine Heart (Liz Worth)
The Tenants of the Hotel Biron (Laura Marello)
Leper Tango (David MacKinnon
Tracie’s Revenge (Wade Bell)
The Summer of the Dancing Bear (Bianca Lakoseljac)
Rooms the Wind Makes (James Deahl)
Foreignbody (Catherine Lalonde, trans. Nora Alleyn)
The Bones of His Being (Sue Chenette)
For the Maintenance of Landscape (Mia Lecomte, Trans. Johanna Bishop & Brenda Porster)
Halifax: The Other Door to America (Pietro Corsi)
The Divine Sisters (Denise Boucher, trans. Myrna Delson-Karan)
Sometimes It Snows in America (Marisa Labozzetta)
Playing to Win (F.G. Paci)
The Golden Shower (Luka Novak)
Poets on Poets Anthology (Julie Roorda & Elana Wolff, editors)
When the Rapture Comes (Max Layton)
Habibi (David Solway)
Dreaming of Lost America (Eugene McNamara)
By Available Light (Michael Carrino)
Instead of Whom Does the Flower Bloom? (Vlado Kreslin)
Exultation in Cadmium Red (Sonia Di Placido)
Foreplay followed by My Italian Wife (Mary Melfi)
Africadian Atlantic: Essays on George Elliott Clarke (Joseph Pivato, editor)
Maria Campbell: Essays on Her Works (Jolene Armstrong, editor)
Still Images (Lise Gauvin, trans. Nigel Spencer)
Bombay Wali and Other Stories (Veena Gokhale)
Austin Clarke: Essays on His Works (Camille A. Isaacs, editor)
Where The Sun Shines Best (Austin Clarke)
Fire Watcher (Vivian Demuth)
Things That Fall (Denise Desautels, trans. Alisa Belanger)
A Small Map of Experience (Leonidas Donskis, trans. Karla Gruodis)
Camerado & The Trial of Pius XXII (Richard Gambino)
Moon on Wild Grasses (Keith Garebian)
Untying The Apron: Daughters Remember Mothers of the 1950s (Lorri Neilsen Glenn, editor)
The Woman Who Drank Her Own Reflection (Louise McKinney)
Exile at Last (Chava Rosenfarb, Goldie Morgentaler, editor)
Two Letters … And Counting (Tony Nardi)
Head Games (Erika Rummel)
The Stalinist’s Wife (France Théoret, trans. Luise von Flotow)
Here and Not Elsewhere (Pietro De Marchi, trans. Marco Sonzogni)
Human Presences & Possible Futures (Robert Dickson, trans. Jo-Anne Elder)
Fatal Light Awareness (John O’Neill)
Life Stories (Nora Ikstena, trans. Margita Gailitis)
Italian-Canadians at Table (Loretta Gatto-White & Delia de Santis, editors)
The Daring of Paradise (Brian Day)
Where Spaces Glow (Francis Catalano, trans. Christine Tipper)
This Cockeyed World (Jim Christy)
Delft Blue & Objects of the World (Louise Warren, trans. Karen McPherson)
Trinacria: A Tale of Bourbon Sicily (Anthony di Renzo)
Fugitive Horizons (Henry Beissel)
Dany Laferrière: Essays on His Works (Lee Skallerup Bessette)
A Tale of Beauty (Patrick Balzamo)
The Circular Incantation (Irene Marques)
Black Suede Cave (David Reibetanz)
My Multi-Ethnic Friends & Other Stories (Cyril Dabydeen)
In Pursuit of Truth (Joseph V. Ricapito)
Against the Light (Tiziano Broggiato, trans. Patricia Hanley & Maria Maura Mosco)
Writing Poetry to Save Your Life (Maria Mazziotti Gillan)
My Secret Pledge (Sidney Zoltak)
The Goat in the Tree (Lorne Elliott)
My Grandmother’s Pill (Lisa Pike)
Loddy-Dah (Dolly Dennis)
The Irrelevant Man (Antonio D’Alfonso)
8:17 PM, Rue Darling (Bernard Emond, trans. John Gilmore)
True As Moonlight (Merle Nudelman)
Forecast (Clara Blackwood)
Mirror Image (Len Gasparini)
Hours (Fernand Ouellette, trans. Antonio D’Alfonso)
Reaching V (Kate Marshall Flaherty)
Skinny-Dipping with the Muse (Ellen S. Jaffe)
Under My Skin (Orville Lloyd Douglas)
Dark Menagerie (Elise Turcotte, trans. Andrea Moorhead)
Beyond the Flames (Louise Dupré, trans. Antonio D’Alfonso)
M.G. Vassanji: Essays on His Works (Asma Sayed, editor)
Critics Who Know Jack (Joseph Maviglia)
Compulsive Acts (David Bateman, editor)
The Beautiful West & The Beloved of God (Michael Springate)
Holy Fools (Marianne Ackerman)
Marinetti Dines with the High Command (Richard Cavell)
Falsipedies & Fibsiennes (Ali Eteraz)
Palestine (Hubert Haddad, trans. Pierre L’Abbé)
The Sex Life of the Amoeba (Barry Healey)
A Hunger Artist/Poems and Songs of Love (Franz Kafka, Georg Langer, trans. Thor Polson, Elana & Menachem Wolff)
After Words (Stan Rogal)
I Found it at the Movies (Ruth Roach Pierson, editor)
Paper Wings (Rosemary Clewes)
Burning the Furniture (Paul Nelson)
Tigers and the CEO (Cristina Perissinotto)
Shiftless (Janet Fraser)
The Politics of Being Ugly (Kayla Altman)
The Fissure of Our Throats (Edward Nixon)
Letters from the Land of Fear (Calvin White)
Accidental Genius (Keith Garebian)
Lotusland (David Joiner)
Rust Is a Form of Fire (Joe Fiorito)
Where Seas and Fables Meet (B.W. Powe)
Zoo and Crowbar (David Zieroth)
The King of the Sea Monkeys (Mark E. Cull)
The Coincidence (Fulvio Caccia, trans. Robert Richard)
In the Garden of I Am (Max Layton)
Somersault (Nancy Anne Miller)
Logos (Gil Fagiani)
In Your Crib (Austin Clarke)
Verge (Lynda Monahan)
Pondering the Weight of Being (Giorgio Orelli, trans. Marco Sonzogni & Ross Woods)
Expulsion & Other Stories (Marina Sonkina)
That Summer in Provincetown (Caroline Vu)
No Safeguards (H. Nigel Thomas)
Via Roma (Mary Melfi)
Images (Louise Bouchard, trans. Christine Tipper)
The Morelli Thing (Frank Lentricchia)
The Voyageur (Jeff Sturge & Nick Marinkovich)
The Light of the Soul (Pietro Corsi)
Daniel David Moses: Essays on His Works (Tracey Lindberg & David Brundage, editors)
Sheila Watson: Essays on Her Works (Joseph Pivato, editor)
The Weight (Ken Norris)
We Are No Longer the Smart Kids in Class (David B. Huebert)
Deadly Nightshade (Liana Langa, Trans. Margita Gailitis)
Writing Cultural Difference (Giulia De Gasperi, Maria Cristina Seccia, Licia Canton, Michael Mirolla, editors)
A Still Life (Bernlef, trans. Scott Rollins)
The Magic Dogs of San Vincente (Mark Fishman)
Thieves Never Steal in the Rain (Marisa Labozzetta)
Middle-Aged Boys & Girls (Diane Bracuk)
The Eel (David MacKinnon)
Weather Permitting & Other Stories (Pratap Reddy)
Talk About God (F.G. Paci)
Nino Ricci: Essays on His Works (Marino Tuzi)
The Expo Affair (Geza Tatrallyay)
Clark Blaise: Essays on His Works (J.R. (Tim) Struthers)
Clark Blaise: The Interviews (J.R. (Tim) Struthers)
Love Is a Very Long Word (Majlinda Bashllari)
Colour Theory (Megan Mueller)
Navy Blue (Steve Meagher)
A Mingus Lullaby (Dane Swan)
Songs of Exile (Bänoo Zan)
Sightlines (Henry Beissel)
The Sea-Wave (Rolli)
Maniac Drifter (Laura Marello)
Stone Woman (Bianca Lakoseljac)
Max’s Folly (Bill Turpin)
Sarah & Abraham (Sarah Engelhard)
Canticles I (MMXVI) (George Elliott Clarke)
Coming Here, Being Here: A Canadian Migration Anthology (Don Mulcahy, editor)
A Second Coming: Canadian Migration Fiction (Don Mulcahy, editor)
McKinley’s Ghost and the Little Tin Truck (Anthony Graziano)
Mankind & Other Stories of Women (Marianne Ackerman)
Freeze (Stephen Orlov)
Arguments for Lawn Chairs (Aaron Kreuter)
Date with Destiny (Hélène Rioux, Trans. Jonathan Kaplansky)
Every Night of Our Lives (Rocco de Giacomo)
The Examined Life (Luciano Iacobelli)
Tidal Fury (Brenda Clews)
Cadillac Road (Kristin Andrychuk)
The House on Selkirk Avenue (Irena Karafilly)
Waiting for Stalin to Die (Irene Guilford)
The New Vine (Robert Marrone)
Food Fight Inc. (Bruno Codispoti)
The Alcoholic’s Daughter (David Sherman)
Cambodia and the Year of UNTAC (Tom Riddle)
Notes of a Mediocre Man (Bipin Aurora)
The Midwife of Torment (Paulo da Costa)
Everything Reminds You of Something Else (Elana Wolff)
Canticles I (mmxvii) (George Elliott Clarke)
Math for couples (Adele Graf)
Send (Domenico Capilongo)
Cantos North (Henry Beissel)
Robert Kroetsch: Essays on His Works (Nicole Markotic)
Through the Sad Wood Our Corpses Will Hang (Ava Farmehri)
Polish(ed) (Kasia Jaronczyk & Malgorzata Nowaczyk, editors)
Venera Dreams (Claude Lalumière)
Faithful and Other Stories (Daniel Karasik)
The Mezzogiorno Social Club (Ercole Gaudioso)
Wordwings (Sydelle Pearl)
The Four Roads Hotel (France Théoret, trans. Luise von Flotow)
J.J. Steinfeld: Essays on His Works (Sandra Singer, editor)
Desire Lines (Ewan Whyte)
The Heart is Improvisational (Carol Lipszyk, editor)
Absurdity, Woe Is Me, Glory Be (J.J. Steinfeld)
Red Haws to Light the Field (James Deahl)
Washing Off The Raccoon Eyes (Margo LaPierre)
What If Zen Gardens … (Henry Beissel)
Rooms (Louise Dupré, trans. Karen Isabel Ocaña)
Speak Only of the Moon (M. Mannani & E.D. Blodgett)
The Diving Genome (Thomas Krampf)
Portraits of Absence (Fabiano Alborghetti)
Words for What Those Men Have Done (Richard Jeffrey Newman)
A Prayer (Emanuel di Pasquale)
William Hutt: Soldier Actor (Keith Garebian)
Life out of Whack (Les Essif)
Land for Fatimah (Veena Gokhale)
Immortal Water (Brian van Norman)
A Boy at the Edge of the World (David Kingston Yeh)
Radius Islamicus (Julian Samuel)
Arise the Dead, Vol. 1 (Elizabeth Langridge)
Arise the Dear Vol. 2 (Elizabeth Langridge)
Like (Max Layton)
Poetry Is Blood (Keith Garebian)
If You’re Not Free at Work, Where Are You Free? (Tom Wayman)
A Feast of Brief Hopes (Bruce Meyer)
Nobody Looks That Young Here (Daniel Perry)
Most Precious Blood (Vince Sgambadi)
No. 22 Pleasure City (Mark Fishman)
Caminos (Scott Walker)
Wait (Ned Baeck)
Hard Candy/Pitch Roll Yaw (Annie Lanzillotto)
The Herb Garden (David Solway)
Fate’s Instruments (H. Nigel Thomas)
Ramya’s Treasure (Pratap Reddy)
The Shining Fragments (Robin Blackburn McBride)
A Schizo-Philosopher’s Colouring Book (Douglas Ord)
Eye (Marianne Micros)
A Rogue’s Decameron (Stan Rogal)
Portrait of a Husband with the Ashes of His Wife (Pan Bouyoucas, trans. Sheila Fischman)
A Voluntary Crucifixion (David MacKinnon)
Small things (Sky Gilbert)
David Helwig: Essays on His Works (Ingrid Ruthig)
In The Backyard (Mary Melfi)
The Missing Field (Jennifer Zilm)
Infrangible (Carol Barbour)
Flesh (Sonia di Placido)
I Sleep in the Arms of Your Eyes (Beverly Ellenbogen)
Mouth of Truth (Lillian Boraks-Nemetz)
Learning to Miss (Paul Nelson)
Somewhere in the Stars (Frank Polizzi)
The Anarchist Banker (Fernando Pessoa, trans. Richard Schain)
The Massacre Confirmed Our Worst Suspicions (W. Bruce MacDonald)
Vigil Poems (Jean Royer, trans. Antonio D’Alfonso)
Praise Music (D.G. Geis)
Stones into Bread (Vito Teti, trans. Francesco Loriggio & Damiano Pietropaolo)
All I Have is Words (Knuts Skujenieks, trans. Margita Gailitis)
Quill of the Dove (Ian Thomas Shaw)
Falconi’s Tractor (Dave LeBlanc)
The Afrikaner (Arianna Dagnino)
Bonavere Howl (Caitlin Galway)
Philipovna: Daughter of Sorrow (Valentina Gal)
Trapped (Alexandra Karb)
Seeker: A Sea Odyssey (Rita Pomade)
Dead Voices and Other Stories (F.G. Paci) – pulp 200 copies
Revolt/Compassion (Michael Springate)
Antonio D’Alfonso: Essays on His Works (Licia Canton, editor)
The Oulipo Challenge (Hillar Litoja)
Swinging Between Water and Stone (Steven Mayoff)
Rivers Applaud Forever (Raymond Filip)
Plastic’s Republic (Giovanna Riccio)
Downtown Flirt (Peter Jickling)
Insult to the Brain (Nicola Vulpe)
Canticles II (mmxix) (George Elliott Clarke)
Tacet (Suzanne Chiasson)
Telescope (Allan Weiss)
Extraordinary Renditions (Niki Lambros)
The Perfect Archive (Paul Lisson)
Bewilderness (Catherine Black)
Footprints of Dark Energy (Henry Beissel)
McLuhan’s Canary (Bruce Meyer)
Traveling the Lost Highway (James Deahl)
The Long Bond (Allan Briesmaster)
Sleepless Nights and Days of Glory (Hélène Rioux, trans. Jonathan Kaplansky)
Asylum/Ransomed (Laura Swart)
Colours to the Chameleon (Keith Garebian)
A Day in June (Marisa Labozzetta)
Tenacity (Julie Rose, M.L. & S.J. Cowell)
Rosemary Bluebell (Hadi Atallah)
Mad Hatter (Amanda Hale)
Itzel I: A Tlatelolco Awakening (Sarah Xerar Murphy)
An Idea About My Dead Uncle (K.R. Wilson)
Melba’s Wash (Reesa Steinman Brotherton)
Mother’s Genius (Kristin Andrychuk)
How To Tell if Your Frog Is Dead (Julie Roorda)
Leaves on Frozen Ground (Dave Carty)
The Lighthouse (Elizabeth Macaluso)
Shadowshine (Johnny Armstrong)
Help Me, Rhonda (P. David Hornik)
Gauguin’s Moon (Laura Marello)
Ten Letters to Montaigne (Juri Talvet)
Thirteen Ways of Crossing the Piazza (Pellegrino D’Acierno)
The Dog Who Ate the Vegetable Garden (Margaret Hurley)
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