The Lunatic
The Lunatic
Set during the height of the Occupy Movement of 2011, The Lunatic follows 28-year-old Nell Harding as she starts an experiment to craft a different kind of life for herself. She leaves New York City to return to the Berkshire Hills of her childhood with her dog Argos. Even though Nell’s a librarian she’s not immune to the lures of online life, and she wonders if absorption is possible in the great age of distraction. Using herself a test subject, she unplugs to see what will happen. What she finds is a life far more challenging, surprising, and — ultimately — rewarding than she could have possibly envisioned.
Guernica World Editions (Guernica World Editions)
200 pages |
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About the author
Michelle Slater is a scholar of comparative literature and president of the educational nonprofit Mayapple Center for the Arts and Humanities in Connecticut. She holds a Ph.D. in French literature from Johns Hopkins University. She is the author of Starving to Heal in Siberia, Soulmate Dog, and The Lunatic (forthcoming from Guernica Editions, 2025).