Poland Rooted in Canadian Fiction
By Kasia Jaronczyk Małgorzata Nowaczyk
Polish(ed): Poland Rooted in Canadian Fiction is the only anthology of Polish-Canadian writing in Canada and includes many internationally acclaimed and award-winning Canadian writers. What is the literary and cultural benefit of a diaspora anthology? It presents work from a community, a family of writers. It represents a cultural contribution to Canadian literature. It makes it known where they come from personally and metaphorically, what inspires them. The contributors to Polish(ed) are all writers who share Polish-ness, in whatever ways they define it: as a part of their personal story, be it through similar experiences or influences; as a perspective on the world; as a sense of history and of who they are. The collection also features Canadian writers who have no Polish roots, but are interested in various aspects of Poland and Polish culture.
Guernica Editions (Essential Anthologies Series)
232 pages |
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About the author
Kasia Jaronczyk immigrated to Canada in her teens, in 1992. She is a microbiologist by training. Her writing was published in Bristol Prize Anthology 2016, Room, Carousel, Nashwaak Review, Prairie Journal, Room, and Postscripts to Darkness. Her short story collection Lemons was published by Mansfield Press in 2017.
Małgorzata (Margaret) Nowaczyk came to Canada in 1981 as a teenager. Her books Poszukiwanie przodków and Rodzinne drzewo zdrowia were published in Poland. Her short stories and essays have appeared in Prairie Fire, Numero Cinq, and Geist.