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Mini Musings

Mini Musings

Miniature Thoughts on Theatre and Poetry

By Keith Garebian

Inspired by American playwright Sarah Ruhl's 100 Essays I Don't Have Time to Write, this collection is a series of miniature reflections, meditations, and ruminations on subjects encompassing matters of theatre and poetry, two subjects very close to Garebian's heart. Perceptive, witty, and intimate, the mini musings bubble with a sense of wonder, excitement, and intimacy. A vibrant, provocative series of mini musings that also affords insight into a particular artistic sensibility as several pieces are really slices of memoir and autobiography.


Guernica Editions (Essential Essays Series)


110 pages |

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Many of these themes would be welcome as longer instructional pieces, as the logic and art of what he has to tell us flow together in a plea for the right of actors, playwrights and poets to lift us out of the gutters to touch the stars. Although Garebian may be too humble to say, this is his Contre Saint-Beuve: his praise of all that is great in theatre and poetry, and his excoriation of all that is false. His love for the two has never been more apparent.

Jeffrey Round, Lambda Award–winning author of the Dan Sharp mystery series

In Mini Musings poet, scholar, and arts journalist Keith Garebian gives his readers a thought-provoking celebration-cum-critique of various lives lived in and among the arts, drenched in the controversial, the poetic, and the rigorously researched. One may not agree with, or even easily digest all of what the author muses upon so alertly, and yet, extremely well-informed prose, coupled with cocky poetic acumen, infuses Mini Musings with a panoply of ideas and emotions “inflamed by some inner mischief … caught in its own pantomime … playing charades on themes of timorousness, anxiety, and narcissism”—all crafted to great effect in these immensely entertaining miniatures

David Bateman, Ph.D. (English Lit/Creative Writing), University of Calgary

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About the author

Keith Garebian is a widely published, award-winning freelance literary, theatre, and dance critic, biographer, and poet. Among his many awards are the Scarborough Arts Council Poetry Award (2010), the Canadian Authors Association (Niagara Branch) Poetry Award (2009), the Mississauga Arts Award (2000, 2008 and 2013), a Dan Sullivan Memorial Poetry Award (2006), the Lakeshore Arts/Scarborough Arts Council Award for Poetry (2003), and an Ontario Poetry Society Award for Haiku (2003). He is the author of 7 collections of poetry.