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Colours to the Chameleon

Colours to the Chameleon

Canadian Actors on Shakespeare

By Keith Garebian

The first work of its kind in Canada, this book explores 11 first-rate actors' perceptions and comments in relation to performing Shakespeare in order to offer a sense of what these actors mean by the work. Colourful, lively, with strong considerations of technique and interpretation, this book gives Canadian actors a rare and generous opportunity to explore the highest reaches of their art in relation to Shakespearean acting.


Guernica Editions (Essential Essays Series)


253 pages |

Regular price $18.00 USD
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Garebian’s gorgeous turns of phrase draw the reader into the actors’ lives and histories as much as into their thoughts about working on Shakespeare. And “working on” is key: Garebian is more interested in practice in this book than he is in theory.His admiration for the actors he interviewed between 2017 and 2018, including Nancy Palk, Juan Chioran, Chick Reid, Graham Abbey, Moya O’Connell, Tom Rooney, Lucy Peacock and Joseph Ziegler (among others), is everywhere apparent.

Canadian Literature: A Quarterly Criticism and Review

[Garebian]'s fierce defense of Canadian Shakespeare performance is in equal parts refreshing and galvanizing.

Jeffery Round

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About the author

Keith Garebian is a widely published, award-winning freelance literary, theatre, and dance critic, biographer, and poet. Among his many awards are the Scarborough Arts Council Poetry Award (2010), the Canadian Authors Association (Niagara Branch) Poetry Award (2009), the Mississauga Arts Award (2000, 2008 and 2013), a Dan Sullivan Memorial Poetry Award (2006), the Lakeshore Arts/Scarborough Arts Council Award for Poetry (2003), and an Ontario Poetry Society Award for Haiku (2003). He is the author of 7 collections of poetry.