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The Dog Who Ate the Vegetable Garden and Helped Save The Planet

The Dog Who Ate the Vegetable Garden and Helped Save The Planet

By Margaret Hurley

Dori's narrative is a heart-touching and zany blend of actual events in the life of a young Boxer. With edgy charm, she takes us on a romp through her world in such a way we can't help but reconsider our lives. Through her we get a dog's-eye view on human exploitation of animals. This unique approach is hauntingly effective.


Guernica World Editions (GWE Creative Non-Fiction)


106 pages |

Regular price $20.00 CAD
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Narrated by a cheeky vegan dog named Dori who uses humor, memoir, science, and history to make a case for the most direct and simple way to reverse environmental destruction and mass extinction.

A delightfully witty, whimsical and creative book. And a decidedly serious one. Ooph!
Jonathan Balcombe

There’s a spark inside all dogs that ignites the human heart. One particular dog, the main character in this extremely informative animal-rights cross-genre novel, can light up an entire city. Dori, the story’s pert four-legged sage, helps the reader see the world with compassion. We are all in dire need of her furred truth telling. Folks—this is “real news.” A clever, important and enlightening book, it is necessary and couldn’t have arrived at a better time. Dori can help save lives and the planet. Highly recommended!

Rob Plath

Dori’s cracking-wise book is a fresh and cheeky view of the world. Reading her very fluidly written pages is a lot of fun. Delightful!

John Sterling

Quirky humor, autobiography, and so much more. This is a book of ethics and love, and an act of faith and wisdom on how veganism could save us and lead us to the world’s flowering, again. Dori deepened me. I hope thousands of folks take it to heart and mind.

William Heyen

A gifted writer who expertly weaves her voice and the essence of her dog into a mesmerizing story of who Meg is, who Dori is, who animals are, and why it's imperative to speak on their behalf.

A fine example of creative writing, The Dog Who Helped Save the Planet is a valid teaching tool that vegans could employ in informing themselves and others of the benefits of the ethical vegan lifestyle.

Dori’s story is generous and fearless and deeply ethical.

Jessica Pierce – Bioethicist, author of numerous books including Who’s A Good Dog? and A Dog’s World, contributor to Psychology Today on human-animal relationships


Miramichi Reader's "Pick"

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About the author

Animal-rights activist, painter, essayist and former curator, radio commentator, and high-school English faculty, Margaret Hurley was named Notable Essayist (Best American Essays 1995). Magazines, including Ms. and Mothering, and Korean and US newspapers have published her work. The Hanji Box film is based on her life. A Wellesley College graduate.